Lucky you, it’s time for another installment of ‘Friday Favorites’ ha! I had a great week and I hope you did as well. The weather was nice, I felt productive and creative…AND I got my valentines in the mailbox on time…#winning!
This is the beloved Valentine’s Day weekend where I will avoid all restaurants on Saturday and Sunday. The hubs and I will do something fun but not at a busy restaurant. What are your plans?
Ok, so here’s what caught my attention this week.
☞ Last minute gift ideas for your nerdy sweetie
☞ Never thought about how wasteful a straw can be!
☞ Is Technology Ruining Our Lives…maybe?
I’m making a serious effort to practice daily meditation and I love Headspace for meditation. Their interface is clean and inviting and Andy’s voice is honey in my ears.
Also, I’ve been obsessed with this Instagram account, Frank Body, so I broke down and ordered product this week! Who says social media doesn’t move product?
This was my favorite Super Bowl commercial…
Hope you find something here that makes you smile..have a great weekend sweethearts!