FullSizeRenderTrust me, my family and friends won’t believe the title of this blog post…I have a hard time putting my phone down.  But even I admit that there are times when we need to unplug.

Two weeks ago, I was so lucky to attend the Hozier concert in Tulsa.  The concert was at the Brady Theater which is one of my favorite music venues.  It’s intimate and the sound is great.  My good friend Whitney secured us great tickets which put us about 30 rows back but dead center with Hozier himself. He was amazing in person.  I took a few pictures of him but for the most part, I put away my phone and just listened to his amazing voice.

As I was swaying to the music and singing along, (sorry to the folks sitting near me) I was amazed at how many people were more concerned with their phones.  Either taking photos of Hozier or selfies or videos of the concert (is that legal?) or just texting -snapchatting- tweeting-instagramming.  We were in the same room as Hozier, people pay attention! 

This advice isn’t just great for concerts…it’s great for dinner tables, sporting events, car rides, conferences…wherever you find yourself with another human being who is doing something amazing…put down your phone and take it all in.