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The Handwritten Note
I am a stationery nerd. I love paper. It's an addiction and I can't stop. Not only do I buy note cards or thank you cards at least once a month, I also buy them as gifts for friends so I can keep spreading the handwritten love. I try to write someone every...
Employee Draft Day
What if you could draft employees like teams draft players in the NBA? This week the NBA teams, were assigned their draft positions. Congrats to Cleveland by the way...first they get Johnny Cleveland (née Football) and now the first draft pick in the NBA. See, losing...
Listen to Your Rock Stars
Just a few days ago, I was talking with a friend, 'Joe', about their job. Joe is in sales and does quite well. He is consistently the top sales person in his company and has already met his 2014 sales goal. He is what I call a rock star! During this conversation,...
Sometimes You Get Fired
Can you imagine being fired and it being national, or international news? This happens to many people in the limelight; pro and college coaches, CEOs of public companies, folks in Hollywood and the editor of the New York Times. When this happens, whether it is...
Who Are You?
Are you a high I, ENFJ, or an activator? (I'm all three by the way!) I am fascinated by personality and strength finder tests. Most recently, I have taken the DISC profile, Strengths Finder and Myers-Briggs test. All three told me things I already knew about myself...