If only every weekend could be parents weekend…but alas, I am told that it cannot. So this weekend…back to my empty nest. I do plan to fire up the fire pit and watch college football. What are your plans for this fall weekend?
Let’s get right to the good stuff…shall we?
☞ I only double dip with my husband.
☞ Career advice from Buffett and Jobs…I’ll take it!
☞ Finally, someone gets to the point in how to email.
☞ I love this advice…“Starting the day with passion creates momentum”
☞ This is a music festival I could get excited about.
☞ It should be obvious…but just in case, Just Say No.
Finally, if you know me, you know how much I LOVE my Passion Planner…and they made a pink one for 2017 which I’m certain was just for me. Check it out if you are looking for a great paper planner for the new year.