Blog graphicSo long, April! Do you ever notice that some months seem to fly by, right before your eyes?  That is how April felt to me. I hope May takes it’s time considering it’s my son’s graduation month.  (sigh)

This week was jam packed with great meetings and new opportunities…I love a week like that. It’s uplifting and motivating.  There’s something about meeting new people that gives you a boost.

Even though my week was busy…I still found a few things to share as my favorites.  Have a great weekend and take time to find the joy in each day.

☞ If you are not watching the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt…You are missing out on Titus Andromedan. 

☞ I can’t stop listening to this album and people can’t stop using the lemon emoji.

The fear of failure…and a good book rec.

☞ I don’t know how it happened….but I LOVE Snapchat. Follow me? allysontwiggs

Last Saturday was Spencer’s last Prom…so many ‘lasts’ in senior year.  (sigh)


Maggie and Spencer