AT BLOG GRAPHICHello, friends! It’s been a whirlwind in my world this about your week? I’m so excited to tell you about Megaphone Summit…an influencer conference I help organize.  If you are a blogger or want to be a blogger, if you work in social media marketing or want to work in social media marketing…this conference is for you! And did I mention…social media expert, Peg Fitzpatrick will be there too? It’s in Fayetteville, AR, Sept 9-11. Would love to hang with you there. Megaphone_Logo_wTag


Now here are my favorites this week.

Hotels to put on your bucket list! 

☞ I desperately need a new headshot…here’s how to take your own. 

☞ I still love Snapchat (? allysontwiggs) but Instagram Stories for business.

☞ I read about two books a week and this book was so good!

☞ I love the Olympics…here’s an awesome google listing of all the events.

Back to the whirlwind…have a great weekend!

PS: No Friday Favorites next week…I’ll be (sadly) moving my son into college.