As I’m writing this post from my patio…in the chilly fall air, I am giddy! I think we can safely say that summer has bid us adieu and fall is here to welcome us. The summer temps were brutal…I need a little 60 degree mornings in my life…how about you?
The boy is coming home this weekend and that makes me giddy also. It’s going to be a great, long weekend. On to the favs…
☞ We can always use time management tips.
☞ 9 ways to hack your motivation…I needed this!
☞ Hilarious but painfully true…please don’t include me on your reply-all emails.
☞ I love a clever business card design.
☞ My son is bi-racial…but that’s not what everyone calls him.
☞ How to organize your desk…gotta buy a plant.
☞ 19 tweets about married life…I’ve had a few of these convos.
Shameless Plug: I am so proud to help put on the Megaphone Summit conference, Sept 9-11 in Fayetteville, AR. If you blog, market, do social media…you will love this conference. Still, time to register.