Milanote has changed my life. I know, you’re intrigued, so let me explain. I learned about this app from my weekly email from Amy Lynn Andrews, and let’s just say, it’s AMAZING. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am an Evernote girl to the core, and I still love it dearly, but Milanote is rocking my world right now. It’s an app that helps you plan creative projects and stores all sorts of information for you. There are templates (they call them boards), and y’all, I love me some templates. The templates help you get started so you don’t have to start from scratch.
I can’t stop making “boards!” The boards help you group your thoughts together…in mod podge fashion! I’ve made a headshot inspiration board, a vision board…but mostly, I use Milanote to keep up with my weekly tasks and the tasks of the freelancers I work with.  It’s a great visual tool and really easy to use.  I didn’t like Trello or Asana all that much and mostly ran my entire business in Evernote…but there is something about Milanote that just spoke to me and just makes sense to me. I also use Milanote to keep up with books I want to read, articles to read later and even quotes that move and inspire me…it is really becoming the place I dump my brain each day! 
You won’t believe all the templates/boards they already have made up for you and you can take the board(s) and make it your own…OR you can make your own boards! I’m certainly not paid by Milanote (or Evernote)…I just happen to be a huge fan. If you give it a try, please let me know what you think. Have fun and Milanote away!
Why I Love Milanote

Be the joy,