Last year, I joined many others by choosing a ‘word of the year’ that would motivate me and help shape my year.  I enjoyed the process and this year and last, I used Susannah Conway’s program for choosing a word.  My word last year was flourish.  I was starting a new business…which created much change in my life and I felt the need to flourish in this new lifestyle.  It was a good word and served me well.

This time around the word did not come as easily to me…well, that’s not true.  The word came easily to me, I just didn’t like the word at first.  It is definitely my word for 2016…but I had to really think on it for two weeks before I decided to keep it.

I followed Susannah’s process and did all the writing prompts and this word just kept showing up…and I didn’t like the word one bit.  I didn’t like how the word sounded on my tongue…didn’t like that the word wasn’t obvious like flourish but this is my word, I kept telling myself.  I even tried the process again to see if I could find a new word….no, this is my word.

Mostly, I think the word scares me and intimidates me…but that’s a good thing, I decided. This year I need to be stretched and challenged, I need to do more than just flourish! In 2016, I want to help people…help my clients, my family, my friends…I want to be there for people. So…in the end, this word was perfect for me.

My dad’s (and one of mine) favorite quote from Zig Ziglar is: “You can have everything you want in life, if you will just help other people get what they want.” The older I get, the more this quote makes sense to me.  If I want to grow my business (and I do!), I need to help others get what they want.

So, my word for 2016 is RADIATE: “to emit energy, to extend, to project or glow with cheerfulness and joy”

word of the year

Do you have a word for 2016 yet? I’d love to hear yours in the comment section!
