agechartIf I read one more article about working with millennials, I might scream! I understand they’re important and moving up in the work force but what about Gen X? We are still here and trust me, we are not going anywhere. I work with and manage millennials and honestly I love them; they keep me young and innovative.  However, I (the Gen Xer) don’t want to be overlooked.

There are a lot of articles written about how to manage a millennial, how to work with them and what they want from the office culture.  Cool…sounds like the road will be well paved for Gen Y.  I have to wonder, who did that for Gen X? I don’t feel like anyone specifically prepared to manage us, or work with us and I sure don’t remember the culture changing to accommodate us.  Why all the hype now?

Do I sound bitter? Maybe I am.  I feel like Gen X is the overlooked generation when we are the generation that is about to take over many C-suite positions…if and when the boomers will retire. I feel like Gen X is about to be the squashed generation between Boomers who cannot afford to retire and Gen Y’s who are ready to lead.  Gen X is in a unique position because they have most likely worked for boomer’s who were slow to embrace technology and social media and behind them is a generation creating the technology and social media. This makes me believe that Gen X is in the right spot to lead but how will Gen Y feel about following?