It’s safe to say that successful businesses have a phone number for customers to use and either a brick and mortar location or an e-commerce option for customers. I would guess that almost all businesses answer their phone regularly, answer emails and greet customers who walk through their door. Excellent customer service!
So, why is it then that when I mention a business on social media, I get crickets? No response, no love, no bueno.
If a business has a Facebook page, Twitter account or any other social media profile…they should treat these platforms the same as they would a ringing phone. Customers are using social media now more than ever to ask questions, check in, or recommend businesses…but many times businesses are ignoring them. And quite possibly losing customers in the process.
Social media management is a full-time job for any business but it’s not just a one-way communication tool. Businesses who are successful at social media management not only post relevant content but they also listen and respond to customers. If a customer mentions that they are so excited to dine at their favorite restaurant that night…that restaurant needs to respond and thank the customer for being a loyal fan. It’s not rocket science…it’s customer service.
My company handles social media management for businesses and we make sure that we respond as quickly as possible to customer engagement. It’s also important to spend time each day on social media to ‘show the love’ on social media. Each day, get on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc and like posts, tweets, and photos. Not only will this be good will for your business…but it’s another way to get your business name out there.
Need help on improving your social media engagement? Here are a few tips:
- Pay attention: Seems easy enough, but you need to look at your social media accounts every day.
- Set notifications: On your smartphone, set your notifications for your business accounts so it dings you when someone mentions you on social media.
- Use a social media monitoring software: There are lots of monitoring apps but I like Tweetdeck or Hootsuite
- Hire The Twiggs Group: We are happy to help you manage your social media accounts and not only engage and listen but also help you grow your business with social media promotion.
Just remember, more and more customers are using social media to interact with their favorite brands/businesses…make sure your brand/business is taking the necessary steps to respond and engage with these customers. Be Social!