If you followed along last year, you know that I read and report on a business book a month. You can catch last year’s books on my bookshelf to the right on my homepage.
This month I am reading Make Your Mark: The Creative’s Guide to Building a Business with Impact by the folks from 99U. I love reading articles at 99U so I knew I would love their book as well. It’s a quick read and a good sized book. Smaller than most books (easily fits in a purse or bag) but edgy with lots of color and short chapters. I also like that it has insight from a lot of entrepreneurial thought leaders…tons of great advice.
Here’s what Amazon says:
Finally, a business book for makers, not managers.
Are you ready to “make a dent in the universe”? As a creative, you no longer have to take a backseat. In fact, stepping up and embracing entrepreneurship is the fastest route to impact. But where do you start? And what sets the businesses that succeed apart?
To find out, we asked the bright minds behind companies like Google X, Warby Parker, Facebook, O’Reilly Media, and more to share their startup wisdom. Featuring hard-won wisdom from twenty leading entrepreneurs and designers, 99U’s Make Your Mark will arm you with practical insights for launching a purpose-driven business, refining your product, delighting your customers, inspiring your team—and ultimately—making something that matters.