Recent Posts

48 Hours In San Francisco

Would you like to go away for the weekend? My answer is always yes! The Hubs and I hopped a plane Friday and spent the weekend in San Fran.  It was a long plane ride but well worth leaving the polar vortex for sunny, warm California. The weather was absolutely perfect...

What I am Reading-November

This month I tried something new, I am listening to the book on Audible instead of reading the book.  Pretty good so far.  I finished Lena Dunham's new book, Not that Kind of Girl on Audible last month and really enjoyed the book read to me by Lena herself. So, I...

Working from Coffee Shops

Now that I am self-employed and soon to be working from home, I can spend more time in one of my favorite shops.  I love working from a coffee shop. Doesn't matter, it can be a chain shop or locally owned, I love them all.  There's this wonderful vibe...

My Big News

I've got news...really big news.  At least it is big news to me and my friends and family.  But first, let me tell you a story. I come from a long line of entrepreneurs...isn't that word so fancy? Let me start over, I come from a long line of folks who worked their...

Social Resume

When was the last time you applied for a new job? (It's ok, I won't rat you out.) I bet you got your resume all spiffy'd up and wrote a wonderful cover letter.  Both great things to do when applying for a job...but how's your social resume? Are you on LinkedIn? Is...

Wish Lists

If you know me or have read even a few of my blog posts you know that I am a huge believer in showing gratitude.  I have many gratitude journals, lists and gratitude practices.  Almost everyday on the drive to work or home I do a 10 finger gratitude list.  Yep, it's...

What I am Reading-October

This book really caught my attention from the subtitle: "The Disciplined Pursuit of Less." That's what I aim to do everyday...pursue less.  Less stress, less worry, less anger and less negativity.  This book is just what I needed.  It talks a lot about being stretched...

My Life Runs on Evernote

Are you ever boggled by the amount of paper humans can produce? I am boggled every. single. day. I get paper from work, paper from my son's school, paper from my 401k plan, paper from utility companies and bank statements.  Paper is out of control.  Since I have all...

What Not to Do During a Presentation

If you are like me you have attended a few conferences or conventions in your lifetime and have most likely sat through many a presentation.  The cold hotel meeting room, lukewarm powerpoint presentation, uncomfortable chairs, sub-par A/V get the...