Recent Posts
What About Gen X?
If I read one more article about working with millennials, I might scream! I understand they're important and moving up in the work force but what about Gen X? We are still here and trust me, we are not going anywhere. I work with and manage millennials and honestly I...
Let’s Huddle
Most every team sport huddles together several times in a game. Players get in close, wrap their arms around each other and talk strategy, design a play or just take a breath. It is one of the most important team actions in a game. A player will tell you...
Be Good at Your Job
Last week I met a friend for dinner at a restaurant that's been in business 23 years. That is a really long time for a restaurant. Towards the end of the dinner my friend wanted to order a sandwhich to take home to her husband. She asked the waitress if the sandwich...
What I Am Reading-August
Lately, I have been obsessing about simplifying my life, slowing down and being more intentional. My good friend, Shelly Walters, told me about this book and I am so glad. Huffington totally gets it and she is sharing her experiences of running full speed ahead in...
Back to School
New crayons, paper and binders...ahh, a trip to my favorite place, the office supply store. Isn't 'back to school' a wonderful time of year? Parents are happy to get their kids back in a routine, teachers are happy and refreshed, kids are (usually) ready to see their...
Don’t Forget to Say Thank You
Thank you for reading my blog post today, I really appreciate it. In this crazy, busy society that we are all living in now, I think there are times when we forget to stop and say "thank you." Ok, confession time. I LOVE the book, The Secret. eek! Did I just admit...
Pick Up or Get Up
In a recent blog post, I talked about the 'reply all' function and why I believe people need to pick up the phone or get up from their desks and talk to people instead of emailing. Trust me, I'm guilty of this all the time. I email folks when I could just pick up...
Facebook is #1 On Birthdays
As you can probably gather, I love social media. Twitter is my favorite, followed by Instagram then Facebook. I like the content better on Twitter and Instagram but I still love Facebook for staying in touch with family and friends. On my birthday, Facebook...
What I’ve Learned in Vegas
Happy Sunday morning from Las Vegas! I have been here way too long...started Monday attending a work conference, then stayed over for my son's basketball tournament. I will fly home tomorrow morning thank goodness...I am so ready. This is the second year in a row...