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Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain
Social Media Engagement
For the most part it seems, everyone is on some form of social media. If not, you are probably either living under a rock or actively refusing to get on social media. For many, social media is a great way to stay in touch with friends from long ago and across the...
The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up." Muhammad Ali
How to Leave the Perfect Voice Mail Message
DON'T. I absolutely despise voice mails. I'm not really sure when my hatred for this time wasting event started...I remember a time when voice mails were my life, circa 1991. I would race back to my dorm room to see if my answering machine had a blinking light...if...
I’m Not Sorry (Anymore)
"I'm sorry." I must say those words a million times a day. "I'm sorry but I think we should use a different photo for the ad" "Sorry, I didn't have time to answer your four paragraph email" "So sorry, would you mind turning down your music" "Sorry, but you are in my...
The Un-Meeting
Are you tired of sitting in long, boring meetings? So am I! What can we do about this? Day after day, meeting after meeting I sit and wonder... what would make this meeting better, more productive? So here are a few of my ideas! The Standing Meeting: Ok, hang with me...
Billboard Marketing
How do you feel about billboard advertising? Everyday we are inundated with billboards on our highways. I am not completely anti billboards, they do have a function and some companies utilize them quite well. However, I am surprised almost daily at the...
Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world." --Hillary Clinton