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Unclutter My Life

I'm not sure what has happened to me but lately, as in the last 6 months, I have felt this incessant need to unclutter my life.  I day dream about getting rid of stuff and clearing out space.  {this coming from the gal who loves stuff} I had this epiphany...I have a...

Twitter Tip

This past weekend at my son's basketball tournament, a sports writer (with a large twitter following) was tweeting about the tournament. I noticed he was beginning his tweets with "@soandsoteam plays next" instead of beginning the tweet with a period (.) or a word.  I...

Embrace the Madness

If you don't know that this week is the start of March Madness, then you are either really unplugged (yea for you) or you live on another planet.  For a bonafide basketball junkie like me, March Madness is absolute heaven.  Great games, Cinderella stories, huge...

Stop Tweeting about Children

Most of the time, I am not surprised by what I see or read online.  Maybe I am jaded now and not affected by the fact that people hurt each other, cheat, lie and steal, The world is a tough place. What does continue to surprise me is the enormous...

Local Brand Engagement

I just wrote a post about brands who do not respond on social media and how frustrating that can be for the customer.  I found this great example of a local company responding to a tweet.  Here's what is great about this exchange: 1. The owner of Eureka Pizza, Rolf...

Hey Brands, Pay Attention!

Do you get frustrated when you tweet or facebook a brand and they ignore you?  I get frustrated too.   Social Media is not a one way street especially for brands. If a consumer tweets a brand, good or bad, the brand needs to respond in some form or fashion. Many...

What Would You Say in Your Oscar Speech?

I love an awards show and tomorrow night is the king of awards shows, the Oscars! I love the red carpet pre-show and I love the entire show from start to finish.  Each year, I print out a ballot and my boys and I fill it out and see who gets the most picks correct....

Snow Day Policy

Who doesn't love a snow day? The world literally slows down for a bit and kids (and teachers) rejoice. Do you rejoice as well or are you more stressed on a snow day?  For many, a snow day means a day working from home.  For others, it's a stressful, agonizing day...

Can You Find Love at Work?

In honor of the Hallmark holiday...let's talk about love at work.  No, I'm not talking about hooking up with a co-worker! I'm talking about loving your work. My keychain says "Love What You Do, Do What You Love" simple enough message but not always easy to accomplish....